School Rules at Vacaville High School

  || Discipline Guidelines | Dress Code | School Nurse | Request for Teacher Change
| Tardy Policy | | Indebtedness | Bulldog Citizenship Plan | Independent Study |
| Personal Electronic Device |
Dress Code

The dress code is established to promote a positive, psychology safe, and wholesome learning environment.  Students are to be focused on instruction.  Therefore, extremes in dress, regarded as disruptive or a distraction from the learning environment, are not permitted.  Students who fail to follow the dress code will be required to change clothing and may be assigned additional consequences.

  1. Any apparel, jewelry, or accessory that is related to gangs is forbidden.  Such items include, but are not limited to, wave caps, hair nets, bandanas, gang numbers, initials, or abbreviations (e.g., XIV, XIII, N, Sur, etc.), colored rags or handkerchiefs hanging outside of pockets or belts, etc.
  2. Students who are identified as associating with gang members will not be allowed to wear gang colors.
  3. Any clothing, jewelry, or accessory that displays or promotes illegal substances (e.g., drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc.) is prohibited.
  4. Clothing, jewelry, accessories, or personal items must be free of any pictures, writings or representations related to pornography, profanity, violence, or illegal behavior, or which is demeaning to any race, gender, or creed.
  5. Students must wear shoes or sandals.
  6. No cleavage, midriff, bare chest, or buttocks may be showing.
  7. Undergarments must be covered and not visible.
  8. Shorts or skirts must be no shorter than the end of the fingertips when the student is standing with arms straight down at the sides.
  9. No sagging of shorts or any kind of trousers.
  10. No pajamas (except on school approved dress-up days).
  11. No revealing clothing (e.g., “see-through”, strapless, or back-less clothing, or gaping sleeveless tops, etc.) is allowed.
  12. Straps on overalls must be attached, not hanging down.
  13. Chains hanging down from pockets, belt loops or the waist are not allowed.
  14. Teachers may require students to remove their hats, hoods or sunglasses in the classroom.

Administrators have discretion in making judgments related to the appropriateness of dress.

<top> || Discipline Guidelines | Dress Code | School Nurse | Request for Teacher Change
| Tardy Policy | | Indebtedness | Bulldog Citizenship Plan | Independent Study |
| Personal Electronic Device |
School Nurse
7:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. Monday - Thursday

Clerical Staff assist students when the nurse is not available

A “Student Emergency Information” card should be completed at the beginning of each school year.  Please remember to update your student’s card whenever you change phone numbers.

A “Medication Required During School Hours” form must be signed by the doctor and parent for any medication (including over-the-counter) given at school.

M.D. P.E. excused may be given directly to the P.E. teacher.


Please call the nurse if you have any questions or concerns.

<top> || Discipline Guidelines | Dress Code | School Nurse | Request for Teacher Change
| Tardy Policy | | Indebtedness | Bulldog Citizenship Plan | Independent Study |
| Personal Electronic Device |
Request for Teacher Change

At Vacaville High School, we believe the best way to achieve success in the classroom is through regular communication between the student, teacher and parent.  The Vacaville Unified School District Policy no. 5431 requires the following steps be taken if and when issues between a student and his/her teacher arise:

  1.        Parent, and/or student and teacher meet to identify the problem
  2.        Issues are clarified
  3.        Modifications are explored
  4.        A plan, including timeline of at least three weeks, is developed and                            implemented

     A worksheet outlining a plan for success is attached.  A copy of the plan agreed upon by the parent, student and teacher should be given to the student’s assigned administrator.

     If a consensus is not reached, of the plan implemented is not successful, parent request for class change should be directed to the appropriate administrator.  The class change will be honored provided subject level placement is available and corresponding increase in enrollment in the receiving class is appropriate.

     Thank you for your efforts and cooperation in ensuring student success.
<top> || Discipline Guidelines | Dress Code | School Nurse | Request for Teacher Change
| Tardy Policy | | Indebtedness | Bulldog Citizenship Plan | Independent Study |
| Personal Electronic Device |
Tardy Policy

Philosophy – Academic success is directly correlated to attendance and tardies.  Administrators, teachers, counselors, campus supervisors, students and parents must work together to make sure students are present and on time to each class of the day.  We must promote the culture of the school and attitude of the students.  They must understand that it does matter if they are on time.  There must be consequences for tardies, but there must also be a strong effort by each person in our community to help students get to class on time.

Definition – A student is tardy if not inside the room when the bell rings.  Teachers can require a more strict definition.

Each person has a role:


  • Organize tardy sweeps in identified areas of campus/notify teachers day/period – will take place
  • Assign detention and/or Saturday School/Lockdown for habitually tardy students
  • Contact parents of habitually tardy students and students identified during tardy sweeps
  • Accompany selected students to classes
  • Monitor classroom teacher’s adherence to school tardy policies.
  • Work with teachers/departments as needed on an individual basis to reduce tardies
  • Refer habitually tardy students to SARB

Campus Supervisors

  • Will patrol the campus, help students get to class on time and help wandering students get back to their classes
  • Assist in tardy sweeps
  • Lock down/soda and drink machines during class time
  • Check students in hallways for passes
  • Accompany students in hall without passes back to class
  • Accompany identified students to class


  • Will make effort to monitor the hallways
  • Be a positive adult presence
  • Show students that teachers do want them to be on time.
  • Record attendance daily using the web attendance
  • Not allow students out of class without a proper hall pass and only for reasons more important that instruction
  • Make parent contacts when tardiness becomes a problem
  • Play their role in the tardy sweeps by locking their doors and not allowing tardy students to enter after the tardy bell rings during announced sweeps.
  • Must record every tardy
  • Must acknowledge every tardy (i.e. name on board, verbal recognition, “stank eye”,  student sign in, missed points…)
  • Must choose one of the options below and include this option in class rules submitted to the administration
  1. minutes after class for every tardy.  If students legitimately forget to stay, give them a second chance.  If they  refuse to stay, send them to Room 5 and make parent contact or assign two days (your period) depending on the frequency of their forgetfulness.
  2. Before/after school teacher detention  in teacher classroom (i.e. 1 tardy = 5   minutes), … 24 hour notice required
  • Must require every student leaving class have a pass.  A permanent bathroom pass with the teacher name and room number may be used.  All other passes must be written and include the time, date, name, destination and teacher signature.  Include your pass procedure in the class rules submitted to the administration
  • Must call the parent and speak with the parent or leave a message on the 3rd and 6th tardy.  Document the call in your roll book or a log with the name, date, time, and outcome.
  • May -  have students call their parents during the 2 minute detention or during before or after school detention.  Incorporate tardies as a part of a citizenship grade (no more that 10%).  Have an early period activity which encourages promptness.
  • Should incorporate rewards/acknowledgement for positive attendance/timeliness


  • Will arrive to each and every class on time


  • Will support their child in arriving to school on time.
  • Will communicate with teachers and administrators and support the discipline process.

Students must change their attitudes regarding tardies.  It does matter if they are present and on time.  They should not be wandering the campus for any reason.

Parents must support their students in arriving to school on time each day and attending all classes on time.

<top> || Discipline Guidelines | Dress Code | School Nurse | Request for Teacher Change
| Tardy Policy | | Indebtedness | Bulldog Citizenship Plan | Independent Study |
| Personal Electronic Device |

Policy on Indebtedness


1. A master indebtedness list will be kept and maintained by the Library Technician in the library. (Mrs. Carole Pitner)

2. Teachers, coaches and advisors will be asked to submit student debt lists to the Library at the end of each semester and /or sport season.

3. Students on the indebtedness list will:

a. have their report card and transcripts withheld

b. be excluded from participation in extra-curricular activities, including but not limited to, pep squad, powder puff football, Christmas Ball and senior prom. It will be the responsibility of each coach, advisor and staff member to review this list and withhold participation of students in their organization. Students will have 10 school days, starting with the first day of the semester, to clear their debts before being excluded from activities.

4. Students on the list must clear with the Library.

Teachers are not to accept the materials owed after the name is added to the master list (except coaches who collect athletic gear). Coaches will inform Mrs. Pitner when a student clears with them. Mrs. Pitner will give students who have cleared their debts a clearance slip to show coaches, advisors, etc.

5. Athletic directors will provide a written policy to be followed by all coaches for the retrieval of all athletic gear. (Example: No clearance in football leads to ineligibility in basketball.) This policy will include procedures, due dates, inventory reporting etc. Athletic directors may report students on a debt list to Mrs. Pitner as a final step in their policy.

|| Discipline Guidelines | Dress Code | School Nurse | Request for Teacher Change
| Tardy Policy | | Indebtedness | Bulldog Citizenship Plan | Independent Study |
| Personal Electronic Device |

Citizenship Plan


Students begin each school year with 100 merits.  Students may earn merits or be assessed demerits as noted below.  Students whose merit total falls below 71 are ineligible to participate in Bulldog Citizenship Activities.


Bulldog Citizenship Activities

  • Athletics
  • Band Trip
  • Dixon May Fair
  • Field Trips
  • Homecoming Activities
  • Link Crew
  • Mr. GQ
  • Powder Puff Football
  • Prom
  • Senior Off-Campus Lunch Pass
  • Senior Trip
  • Spring Dance
  • Student Council
  • Winter Ball


Demerits are assessed as follows:


1 demerit/assignment


1 demerit


3 demerits/day

Tardy Letter

10 demerits

Truancy Letter

10 demerits


Merits are awarded as follows:


5 merits

Black & Orange

5 merits

Campus Service

1 merit

Perfect Attendance

5 merits

Saturday School

5 merits

Senior of the Week

5 merits

STAR Effort

5 merits

Student of the Week

5 merits

Emergency Card

2 merits

Weapons Contract

1 merit



Parent/Student Notification

  • After 20 demerits, the student’s parents are sent a letter of notification and an invitation to meet.
  • After 30 demerits, the student’s parents are sent a letter of notification indicating that the student is ineligible to participate in Bulldog Citizenship activities until he/she earns merits to restore eligibility.


Appeals Process

An ineligible student may seek an appeal if he/she believes there are extraordinary reasons that warrant reinstatement of eligibility.


| Discipline Guidelines | Dress Code | School Nurse | Request for Teacher Change | | Tardy Policy | | Indebtedness | Bulldog Citizenship Plan | Independent Study |
| Personal Electronic Device |

Personal Electronic Devices


Personal electronic devices (including, among other things, cell phones, walkmans, MP3 players and video cameras) have become a major disruption in many classrooms and around campus. These devices have created concerns about inappropriate video taping and photography, electronic bullying, instigation of fights, tardies, class interruptions and other disruptive behavior.

As a result of these concerns, the school discipline committee created the following policy:

All electronic devices must be turned off and stored out of sight (in backpacks, purses, pockets etc) by the start of the school day and are to remain off and out of sight until the end of the school day with the exception of the lunch period. LUNCH PERIOD IS THE ONLY TIME PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES MAY BE USED. They may not be used during passing periods or during class time even when walking to the bathroom, office or on some other errand.

The consequences for violation of this policy are as follows:

When a student is seen in possession of a personal electronic device (whether or not it’s in use), the staff member takes the device and sends it to the office with a referral. Office staff will keep track of the number of offenses.

1st Offense Student may pick up device after school.
2nd Offense Parent must pick up device.
3rd Offense Student receives after-school detention and parent must pick up device
4th Offense
and others
Conference with parent. Phone may be kept until end of Semester.

If, at any time, a student refuses to give the device to a requesting staff member, the staff member should contact the office and ask for a campus supervisor to take the student and the electronic device to the office. When requesting a campus supervisor, describe to the office staff that this is not an emergency situation. The phone will be confiscated at the office, the student will be given additional consequences for defiance (detention, Saturday School, Suspension) and the parent must pick up the phone.

This policy is a significant shift for students and, like any new policy, will require the concerted, consistent efforts of all staff members to make it work.

|| Discipline Guidelines| Dress Code | School Nurse | Request for Teacher Change
| Tardy Policy | | Indebtedness | Bulldog Citizenship Plan | Independent Study |
| Personal Electronic Device |