Green Valley Women GolfersBoard Meeting Minutes
Captain Joanna Chew called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m. Members present were: Joanna Chew, Alice Delgado, Sharon Murray, Itsuko Moridaira, Cindy Hamilton, Julie Osborn, Pam Angen, Di Thompson, Di Kelly and Lynne Waslohn. Cindy read the minutes of the previous board meeting and they were approved as read. Motion: Sharon Murray 2nd: Alice Delgado. OLD BUSINESS I. Invitational Wrap-up. Cindy stated that there is a little over $900 left in the Invitational fund for next year. Joanna said that 15 of the Invitational volunteers showed up at Diane Thompson’s home for a “Thank you” luncheon. II. Club Championship. Sharon Murray said the sign-ups for the Ladies Club Championship close on September 6, 2009. She has 3 flights so far. The pairings will be posted on September 6th with the start times. The 1st day will be foursomes and twosomes for the rest of the tournament. The club will have champagne and cheese and crackers on the last day to celebrate the champion. Sharon will not be here the final day so Mark Sherman will supervise the Championship match and Joanna will award the prizes. The tournament is Match Play by index and you will be using your gross score. No handicap pops. III. Cindy stated that we still need a co-captain for 2010. NEW BUSINESS I. Mini-Invitational. Di Thompson reported that the mini-invitational will be held on October 13, 2009 and the theme is Pajama Time. It will be 4 person teams and the cost should be around $75.00 per player. You must have a 36 or better handicap to play and the match will start at 8:30 a.m. II. WGANC Regional Meeting. Joanna stated that the regional meeting is scheduled for September 25, 2009 and that we have to submit two dates for our Open Day next year and the date for our Ladies Invitational for 2010. Cindy said the Invitational date for 2010 is August 12 & 13, 2010. III. Joanna stated that any changes in the 18 - hole roster have to be given to Joan Mumaugh by the end of October. Cindy is working on this. IV. Joanna said the in Futures Team Play this year that Green Valley came in 1st in Gross and 2nd in Net. V. Cindy said that we are changing the EBTP date for Green Valley to an earlier time next year. VI. Cindy stated: that a reminder notice needs to be put in the Key, which states the 3rd Tuesday of every month is an informal Guest Day. VII. Pam Angen motioned that we not do the Western WGANC pins at Christmas for net winners and that we only do the low gross winner. Alice Delgado 2nd and the motion passed. VIII. Golf Committee. Pam reported that the golf committee is working on a combo set of tees but does not know when they will be ready. IX. Joanna Chew would like to honor our 25- year members. Cindy motioned and Pam seconded the motion that we honor them and put their pictures in the Key. Motion to Adjourn: Pam Angen 2nd Alice Delgado Meeting adjourned 2:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted Julie Osborn Substitute for Lynne W. |