Green Valley Women Golfers

Board Meeting Minutes
June 2, 2009
2:30 p.m.


Members in Attendance – Cindy Hamilton, Joanna Chew, Lynne Waslohn, Shenae Weggoner, Nancy French, Diane Thompson, Alice Delgado,

Meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by Joanna Chew, Captain

Minutes from April and May were read and approved.


Handicap Tournament Feedback

The tournament moved along well although there were only 20 participants. Match play is much more popular as a format but next year’s tournament chair can make the decision regarding format.

Home and Home

El Mecero was very successful as we had 19 participants.

June 16 is scheduled for Green Valley. Cost of be $30. Cindy will check with Deb McGuire regarding why the cost is so high. Board feels it is unfair for the GV women to pay part of the cost of carts if they are providing their own cart.

Yolo is scheduled for June 23.



Meeting is scheduled for after the board meeting. 16 sponsors have been confirmed. 19 teams are paid. At this point, there is one opening.

Guest Day

June 9 guest day sign up sheet is posted. Posting sheets and bills will be available at this one.

Charity Day – Very successful. Generated over $600 for American Cancer Society of Solano County. -

Futures – Sign up sheets posted for Silverado on June 30.

Captains Tournament will be held in July this year. It will be an eclectic so three days of play are not required. Bernice Dunlop memorial will be held on July 14 during the tournament.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:30.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lynne Waslohn, Secretary