- Reading of April board meeting minutes (Lynne)
- Old Business
- Results of April 21st Guest Day (Anne/Pat C.)
- June 3rd Charity Day (Cindy)
- Invitational update (Cindy)
- New Business
- El Macero Home and Home on May 28th (*numbers need to be e-mailed to them by the 25th of May ,Deb McGuire in charge)
- June 9th Guest Day (Anne/Pat C.)
- Home and Home at GVCC with Napa, Marin, and possibly Silverado on June 16th (Deb McGuire in charge)
- Futures at Meadow Club (June 4th) and Silverado (June 30th) (Deanne Ikard)
- Shirley Walp Ace of Aces on June 30th
- Q&A Open Forum