Green Valley Women Golfers

Board Meeting Agenda
May 5, 2009

(led by Cindy Hamilton ,Co-Captain)
2:30 p.m.

  1. Reading of April board meeting minutes (Lynne)
  2. Old Business
    1. Results of April 21st Guest Day (Anne/Pat C.)
    2. June 3rd Charity Day (Cindy)
    3. Invitational update (Cindy)
  3. New Business
    1. El Macero Home and Home on May 28th (*numbers need to be e-mailed to them by the 25th of May ,Deb McGuire in charge)
    2. June 9th Guest Day (Anne/Pat C.)
    3. Home and Home at GVCC with Napa, Marin, and possibly Silverado on June 16th (Deb McGuire in charge)
    4. Futures at Meadow Club (June 4th) and Silverado (June 30th) (Deanne Ikard)
    5. Shirley Walp Ace of Aces on June 30th
  4. Q&A Open Forum