Green Valley Women Golfers

Board Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2009
2:30 p.m.



Members in Attendance – Lynne Waslohn, Joanna Chew, Cindy Hamilton, Ann Gemmer, Alice Delgado, Julie Osborne, Lorraine King.

Meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m. by Joanna Chew, Captain

Minutes from March 3 were read and approved.

Old Business

Invitational Update – Per Joanna Chew, the next meeting will be held on April 23.  Sponsor letters are ready  to be sent out and there will be a flyer in the Key.  Linda Neal and Loretta McGinnis will be coordinating so that no persons will be contacted for both raffle prizes and tee sponsorship.

Guest Day – Guest Day is scheduled for April 21.  Both a poster and sign-up sheet are posted.  Cost for breakfast, lunch and snacks will be $21.00.  Julie introduced the idea of having Silpada jewelry on display for sale at the guest day.  The percentage of the sales she receives she will donate to the invitational for gift certificates for the raffle.  Board approved this activity.

Alice Delgado suggested that we look into having a trunk show at one the guest day events.

Team Play

Per Cindy Hamilton, EBTP is going well.


New Business

Home and Home­ – Sign up sheets are posted.  El Macero cost to be $28.00, including lunch.

Handicap Tournament – Alice reported that the sign up sheet and rules are ready to post.  Anyone playing must play the qualifying round.  Tournament to be May 5, 7, 12, 19.  Committee has $575 allocated for prizes

Charity Day – Letters have been sent with no response.  Cindy will check with local businesses for gift cards to be donated.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:10.

Respectfully Submitted,


Lynne Waslohn