Green Valley Women Golfers Annual Meeting
November 4, 2008

Meeting was called to order at approximately 2:00 p.m. by Julie Osborn, Captain.

Thirty five members were in attendance.  Sign in Sheet is on file.

Minutes from the 2007 general meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

The group began with a financial cushion several years ago and implemented the closest to hole on Tuesdays with the extra cash.  To have enough money to pay for the guest day balls, 650 need to be purchased annually. Melody recommended cutting the number of balls for closest so that we can keep a cushion.  Julie said that decision can be made by the Board.

Charity Day – Julie recommended that the charity for Charity Day be changed for next year to a cancer charity where the funds stay in Solano County.  Motion made, seconded and unanimously accepted to support local cancer organization for charity day.

Tournament Committee

Alice Delgado suggested changing the format for the Handicap tournament for next year so that everyone plays every day.  Julie suggested that the tournament chair can make that decision and doesn’t need a group vote.

Scoring for WGANC Pin

Betsy Pelkin reported that she has been doing the scoring for the WGANC pin for seventeen years and will be giving up that responsibility at the end of this year.  In order to determine the winner of the pin which is presented at Christmas party, scores for June, August and September must be charted.  A replacement for this responsibility will need to be named for the upcoming years.

Rule Changes

Standing Rule – Invitational

Section IV, Item A  currently reads the “member” must be a current member of the Green Valley Women Golfers organization and must meet handicap eligibility requirements.

Proposed Change -  All women members of Green Valley Country Club are eligible to play in the annual 18 hole Women’s Invitational tournament, providing they have met the handicap eligibility requirements.

The proposed change was approved unanimously.

Standing Rule – Invitational

Section IV Item B currently reads guests must have a recognized handicap with the USGA and must be amateurs.

Proposed Change – Guests must have a recognized handicap with the USGA and must be amateurs.  Guests must have posted a minimum of ten scores from January 1 – June 15th of the same year as the tournament.

The proposed change was approved unanimously.

Officers – 2009

Proposed slate of officers was read to the group (copy attached).

The proposed slate was accepted as presented.

Questions regarding the composition of the nominating committee were raised.  The committee should consist of 5 people in the future.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Lynne Waslohn, Secretary