Green Valley Women Golfers Board Meeting Minutes |
Members in Attendance-Julie Osborn, Sarah Johnson, Cindy Hamilton, Sue Shively, Marilyn Walker, Deanne Ikard, Loretta McInnis, Sharon Murray, Mary Gay Whiting, Itsuko Moridoira, Joan Mumaugh The Meeting was called to order at 7:45 a.m. by Julie Osborn, Captain. Minutes from the January Board meeting were read and approved. Unfinished Business Rules Meeting- Julie reported that a Rules seminar has been set up for March 18, 2008 after our 9 hole play day and lunch. Betsy Pelkin and Sharon Murray have graciously donated their time and expertise to do this seminar. Magnetic Name Tags-Julie reported that we can get Green Valley Women Golfers magnetic name tags for $5.75 ea with the club logo and our names on them. There will be a sign up sheet posted in the ladies locker room for those who want a name tag. It has been suggested that having name tags is a good idea for Team Play, Open Days, Home & Homes , Guest Days and Invitationals. It is also required if you work a WGANC Tournament. The cut off date to order your name tag is March 28, 2008. 18/9 Hole Mixer- Julie reported that there will be a breakfast available for the Mixer at the cost of $8.00 per person. This is a full breakfast. The sign-up sheet is in the Ladies Locker Room. You can sign up for Golf Only or both golf and breakfast. The cut-off date for breakfast sign-ups is March 19, 2008 New Business Silverado Home & Home- Julie said the we have been invited to play in Silverado’s Home & Home on August 26, 2008 WGANC Regional Meeting-Julie stated that the WGANC Regional Meeting is on February 26, 2008 at Marin Country Club at 8:30 a.m. It is MANDATORY that the Captain, Tournament Chairman, Handicap Chairman, Open Day Chairman, Rules Chairman and WGANC Ambassador be present at this meeting. The cost for breakfast and the meeting is $22.00 CASH. Julie will pick up everyone at 7:00 a.m. at the club’s tennis court parking lot if you need a ride to the meeting. Invitational-Sarah Johnson reported that the Ladies Invitational this year will have a Scottish theme. The three flights will be St. Andrews, Carnoustie and Royal Troon. The first day we will play a modified Chapman Scotch, and the next day we will play 2 Best Balls of the foursome. The Horse Race will be held at the end of the Tournament. The next Invitational Planning meeting is set for March 11, 2008 after golf. East Bay Team Play- Marilyn Walker and Deanne Ikard reported that the Sign-up sheet for East Bay Team play is in the Ladies Locker room. There has been another date change for Sequoyah from June , 2008 to July 8, 2008. They also stated that there is a conflict with team play at Crow Canyon and our mini Invitational. They will check with Crow Canyon to see if we can play on another day. Meeting adjourned at 8:29 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Julie Osborn |