Green Valley Women Golfers
Annual General Meeting
October 21, 2008
Oak Room, Approximately 1:45 p.m.
I. Opening
A. Call to order
B. Adoption of Agenda
C. Approval of 2007 General Meeting Minutes
D. Treasurer’s Report
II. New Business
A. Accept items as emergency for voting
B. Charity Day change of Charity to Local Cancer Charity
III. Informational Items
A. Standing Rule Invitational
Section IV Item A
For the Invitational ; The “member” must be a current member of the Green Valley Women Golfers organization and must meet the handicap eligibility requirements.
Proposed change – All women members of Green Valley Country Club are eligible to play in the annual 18 Hole Women’s Invitational tournament, providing they have met the handicap eligibility requirements. (New Nov. 2008)
B. Standing Rule Invitational
Section IV Item B
Guests must have a recognized handicap with the USGA, and must be amateurs. (New Nov. 2002)
Proposed change – Guests must have a recognized handicap with the USGA, and must be amateurs. Guests must have posted a minimum of (10) scores from January 1st- June 15th of the same year as the tournament. (New Nov. 2008)
IV. 2009 Officers
A. Read slate of proposed officers
B. Nominations from the floor
C. Election of 2009 officers
V. Mini – Invitational
Should the mini Invitational have it’s own bank account like the main Invitational or the funds be co-mingled with the Green Valley Women’s Golfer account?
It has been suggested that a separate account be set up for the mini Invitational and that all transactions be run through that account by the Chairman or treasurer the mini Invitational.