Green Valley Women Golfers

Board Meeting – November 6, 2007



Members in Attendance – Joan Mumaugh, Diane Thompson, Cindy Hamilton, Loretta McInnis, Diane Kelly, Deane Ikard,  Carolyn Roth, Melody Scott, Judy Maderoius, Mary Gay Whiting, Lynne Waslohn.


Meeting was called to order at 7:45 a.m. by Joan Mumaugh, Captain


Minutes from October 2, 2007 were read.  Minutes were approved as corrected – Safe Quest letter has “now” been received.


Unfinished Business


Mini-Invitational – Diane  Thompson reported that there was a $17.00 excess in funds to be passed on to the event for next year.  The event was a great success and many compliments were received. There were a total of 88 players.  Joan Mumaugh suggested that the committee formulate and publish rules for the event next year.


Standing Rule – Guest Days – Joan Mumaugh’s proposal for wording change related to guest days was approved.  The new rule will state that all members may invite up to three guests for guest days with the exception of the guest day just prior to the invitational. 


Standing Rule – Invitational – Group approved inserting wording that in order to play in the invitational a member must be a member of the 18 hole women’s group and meet the handicap requirements.


The group further approved adding that, in order to play in the invitational, an established handicap must be in place no later than June 15.


Logo Golf Balls – Per the pro shop, we use approximately 8 dozen balls each guest day.  Mark will be ordering the Calloway balls with a full logo and “Green Valley Guest Day imprinted on the balls.


New Business


WGANC Bylaw Changes – WGANC is in process of making changes to the bylaws.  Joan reported that she has a copy of the proposed changes and has reviewed them.  A motion to accept the changes as published by WGANC was made, seconded and passed.


Bank of the West Signature Authorization – The new invitational committee must be authorized by the Board of Directors to sign on the account for next year’s invitational.  The Board unanimously approved authorizing Sue Shively, Sarah Johnson and Loretta McInnis to be authorized as signers on the account.


Christmas Toys – Carolyn Roth reported that the date of the Christmas party may be too late for collecting toys to be provided for needy children.  She will check further and confirm.  Diane Thompson suggested that we include a Vacaville organization in the toys that are to be distributed.


Committee Reports


Captain -  Joan reported that,  in response to her letter, Claude verbally told her he wanted to talk with her about the  problems with the last guest day.  She requested that he respond to her letter in writing.  There has been no response to the letter sent by either the Food Committee or the Board of Directors.


Treasurer – Melody Scott reported that the finances are basically the same as they were in October.  Pro shop still has not billed for what we owe them.  Joan will discuss the billing with Mark.


Corresponding Secretary – Carolyn reported that she has only sent one card since July.  A suggestion was made that one be sent to Judy Blohm.


Membership – Mary Gay Whiting will send invitations to the Christmas party to previous members of the 18 hole group.  She further reported that no response was received from the letter sent to new members asking them to join the 18 hole group.  Mary Gay will do a flyer for the Key to inform all Green Valley ladies that membership in the 18 Hole Women’s group will be required for playing in invitational next year.  Cindy Hamilton suggested that we also inform the captain of the 9 hole group so their membership can be informed of the change.


North Bay Team Play  - Diane Thompson reported that the outfits are in the pro shop for ordering.


East Bay Team Play -  Deanne Ikard reported that our A team won gross.


Open Days – Judy Maderious reported that over 25 members attended 11 open days this year, which is an increase from last year.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:40.


Respectfully Submitted,



Lynne Waslohn
