Green Valley Women Golfers

General Meeting – October 9, 2007


Members in Attendance – 29 members attended.  Sign in sheet attached.


Meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Joan Mumaugh, Captain


Agenda was accepted as submitted.


Approval of minutes from the 2006 General Meeting were suspended as no copy was available.


Treasurer’s Report was not presented as Melody Scott was not in attendance.  Joan reported that the budget is still in order.  However, there are several bills still missing from the pro shop.


New Business


Captain Joan Mumaugh requested that the following items be accepted as emergency items so they can be voted on at this meeting.  Membership unanimously agreed.




Best Ball – Pam Angen requested that the best ball tournament used to be a great event with match play format.  She requested that the tournament go back to match play instead of an eclectic type tournament.  Sarah Johnson reported that the tournament was changed in order to increase participation, which did work.  Per Pam, we now have no match play.  Sharon Murray suggested going back to match play next year to see how it works.  A motion was made by Ann Gemmer to move this tournament back to match play next year.  Motion seconded by Fain Ent.  Motion carried with 21 votes for and one against.


Handicap – Discussion was held about various potential formats for the handicap tournament.  Per Colleen Yoder, the current format for the tournament gives high handicap players a chance to win.  Missy suggested that we need to educate our membership as to what each tournament is all about so people will sign up.  Colleen Yoder moved that the tournament continue as before with a qualifying round and then flighted play.  Fain Ent seconded.  Motion passed with 19 for and 7 against.


Charity By-Law Amendment – (Article IV, Section 9) Joan Mumaugh informed the group that current by-laws require that the group select a WGANC sanctioned charity.  When she spoke with WGANC, she was told that WGANC no longer sanctions any charities.


Proposed Change:  The Charity Chairperson shall specify days or events which shall be designated as Charity, and the proceeds shall be contributed to the designated charity.


Joan Mumaugh moved that the by-laws be changed as proposed.  Sue Teakle seconded.  Vote unanimous for proposed change.


Membership Meeting Amendment – (Article VI, Section 3) Joan Mumaugh informed the group that currently the by-laws call for the general meeting to be on the second Tuesday in October and that any special meeting called by Captain is required to be posted in Ladies’ Locker Room 4 weeks prior.


Proposed Change:  The annual meeting of the membership shall be held on a Tuesday during the month of October.  No special notice of the October meeting shall be given other than what is listed in the calendar.  Notice of special meetings called by the Captain shall be posted on the Bulletin Board in the Ladies Locker Room at least two weeks prior to said meeting.


Joan Mumaugh made the motion, Cindy Hamilton seconded and the change was unanimously approved by the membership.


Informational Items


The following items were informational only as the Board of Directors makes decisions regarding them.  Input from membership prior to Board action was requested.


            Standing Rule: Guest Day – In 2007 guest days were scheduled for May, June and September with members being allowed to invite a 9-hole member.  All members were allowed to invite a maximum of 3 guests for each date.  This was effective for 2007 only, subject to review.


            Proposed change – For guest days in May, June and September all members are allowed to invite up to 3 guests, which could include 9-hole golf members.


Colleen Yoder mentioned that the September guest day is always when the aeration is occurring, which presents a very embarrassing situation for members who have guests.  She suggested either changing the date of dropping that guest day completely.


Joan Mumaugh agreed that the Board would look at the calendar and try to make an adjustment to the date.


            Standing Rule: Invitational – Currently all lady members of the Club may participate in the Invitational if they meet the handicap requirement.  Extra fees may be charged for those who are not members of Green Valley Women Golfers.


            Proposed Change – For the invitational, the participating member must be a member of the Green Valley Women Golfers organization and must meet the handicap eligibility requirements.  The last sentence of the current document would be eliminated.


Sharon Murray believes that allowing all women members of the club to be eligible for the invitational was a change that was required several years ago.  It was further mentioned that some club members who are not members of the group have helped with the invitational in years past.  Pam Angen and Ann Gemmer mentioned that they think all Green Valley members should be eligible to participate.


Legitimate handicaps for non-members was mentioned as a problem.  Additionally, the committee counts on a certain number of players when planning and budgeting and often are searching for players until the tournament takes place; hence, solicitation of nonmembers of the Women’s Golf Group.


Joan Mumaugh agreed that comments will be taken under advisement by the Board.


2008 Officers


The proposed slate of officers for 2008 was read to the membership by Joan Mumaugh, Captain.  Nominations from the floor were requested.  When none were forthcoming, a vote was taken for acceptance of the slate of officers proposed as read.  Missy Marshall moved, Char Archibald seconded, and the slate was unanimously accepted.


Other Business


Invitational/Charity – Several members voiced their complaint that a charity was involved with the invitational this year, feeling that charity should be handled at a special charity event.  Per Joan Mumaugh, the charity donation came from sponsors and raffle not from the entry fee.  Several members expressed that they felt it was inappropriate to include charity in an event with guest.


Club Championship – Colleen Yoder reported that people were unhappy playing scratch in the Club Championship.  Pam Angen requested that the tournament should all take place in the same month so handicaps will be the same throughout the tournament. 


Mixer Games – Shinae Waggoner requested that we have more mixer type games to encourage people to play with more people.


Meeting was adjourned by Joan Mumaugh, Captain at 3:10 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Lynne Waslohn, Secretary


The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 by Joan Mumaugh.  Members were reminded that next month’s meeting will be at 7:45 due to change of tee times to 9:00.


Respectfully Submitted,



Lynne Waslohn
