Green Valley Women Golfers
Board Meeting – February 6, 2007

Members in Attendance – Joan Mumaugh, Julie Osborn, Cindy Hamilton, Carolyn Roth, Itsuko Moridaira, Lynne Waslohn, Diane Kelly, Diane Thompson, Mary Gay Whiting, Melody Scott, Judy Maderious.

Meeting was called to order at 2:15 P.M. by Joan Mumaugh, Captain

Minutes from January 9, 2007 meeting were read and approved.

New Business:

Diane Thompson reported that she is working on a trunk show with the Tail representative and is in process of selecting a date.  Two possible dates are March 6 and April 3.  Diane Kelly suggested pairing the trunk show with a guest day or a Home and Home.  Diane Thompson will report further at the next meeting.

Committee Reports:

  1. Treasurer – Melody Scott provided a copy of the proposed budget for 2007.  She reported that membership in the 18 Hole group is at an all-time low.  Budget figures include prizes for closest to the hole at all Tuesday play days.  Green Valley pays the annual WGANC fee for the group so the budget was amended to remove that item.

    Budget was approved with the one correction.  Lynne Waslohn moved that the budget be accepted as amended, Mary Gay Whiting seconded.  Vote was unanimous in favor of approval.
  2. Tournaments – Cindy Hamilton suggested that the 9hole/18 hole tournament will probably be a Shamble with 2 niners paired with 2 eighteen holers.  Should there be an uneven number signed up, perhaps the tournament will be played as threesomes.  Cindy will prepare a flyer to the niners group announcing the tournament.
  3. Membership – Mary Gay Whiting reported that the new member tournament last week was successful and the new members were oriented to the group.  Lynne Waslohn asked what marketing is being done to attract more members.  It was suggested that all new members for the last year be contacted by phone asking them to join the group.  Joan Mumaugh suggested that Mary Gay and the niners captain write a letter explaining both groups and send the letter to all new members in the future.  Mary Gay will follow up on both items and report next month.
  4. Corresponding Secretary – Carolyn Roth reported that cards would be sent to Corinne Sherman, Betsy Pelkan and Shinae Wegener this month.
  5. Invitational – Diane Kelly reported that she has heard the fee will be increased to $175 per player for the upcoming year and that the committee plans to donate 10% of all fees to charity.  Discussion ensued as to the appropriateness of tying charity to the invitational tournament.  Joan Mumaugh will invite the Invitational Chairman to attend the March meeting for discussion on the matter.
  6. North Bay Team Play – Diane Thompson reported that the sign up sheet will go up next week.  She reminded everyone that if someone signs up, they should be planning to play.  If unable to play, they should remove their name from the list.


Meeting was adjourned at 2.55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lynne Waslohn